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Exparel® | Extended Pain Control Post-Surgery

The team at East Georgia Center for Oral & Facial Surgery is concerned about the increasing opioid crisis in America. As a result, we’re very proud to provide Exparel to our patients. Exparel is an opioid-free choice for effective and long-lasting pain management post-surgery. It’s on the way to becoming a favored pain management medication by both oral surgeons and patients. Clinically proven, this valuable medication is very easily tolerated and features a superior safety profile.

As you no doubt know, East Georgia Center for Oral & Facial Surgery is specialized in offering our patients the very best treatment, with the least amount of any risks, and our usage of Exparel echoes this promise. For a comfortable and safe recovery due to oral surgery without the threat of opioid dependence, Exparel comes highly recommended by our team of leading experts, Drs. Suketu J. Patel, DMD, MD; Rodrigo L. Uribe, DMD; and Mark C. Clayton, DDS, MPH.

How does Exparel deliver the results?

Receiving Exparel is much more manageable than tracking pain management medications, most often prescribed post-surgery. You will not need to take pain pills – your oral surgeon will administer Exparel to your surgical site while still in surgery in one highly effective dose. This dose is going to take effect straight away, gradually releasing into your area of surgery, relieving soreness for several days into the recovery.


Benefits of Exparel include:

  • A single serving of medicine controls pain for a few days into recovery.
  • Non-narcotic, non-addictive, or safe, Exparel is shown to be well tolerated and has not one of the side effects or the risks related to opioid-based prescriptions.
  • Prescribed pain medications may usually be postponed or perhaps wholly stayed away from post-surgery.

At East Georgia Center for Oral & Facial Surgery, satisfaction, safety, and comfort are our top priorities. We strive to deliver attentive and high-quality medical care for our patients before, during, and after their treatments. You’re a vital component of your care team. By opting to include Exparel to your treatment plan, you help ensure that you have a comfortable recovery and safeguarded from side effects and opioid medications’ risks.

During your pre-surgical consultation at East Georgia Center for Oral & Facial Surgery, you will have the opportunity to talk about, including Exparel to your treatment plan. Please contact East Georgia Center for Oral & Facial Surgery with your questions or to schedule your consultation. The team at East Georgia Center for Oral & Facial Surgery looks forward to providing you with the outstanding and safe oral surgery care you deserve.

If you have any questions about the anesthesia choices we provide or our oral surgeons’ qualifications, we encourage you to contact our office. If you’re scheduled for a procedure that calls for IV sedation or general anesthesia, make certain you have assessed and fully grasp all of the pre-operative instructions. Our team is readily available if you have any concerns about preparing for your upcoming treatment.